
Paris-Hong Kong

Here I am sitting in the plane (well not reallt of course... I am in Hong Kong right now...). Anyway... Here I am sitting in the plane. My head swirls. I am impatient. Now that I know it is for real, that the trip won't be cancelled, that I am in the skies (yes plural!), I want to be there. Right now. I want to see, taste and smell it all. I want to feel the atmosphere, the heat, the humidity. I want to know how they live, if they are friendly, want to hear them speak a language I do not understand, want to see the skyline and the beach, the harbor and the jungle like landscape. I want it all and I want it now! But I fell asleep. Dreamed of China the whole time. My biggest dream is about to come true!


Unknown said...

Your trip sounds awesome, yet! I can only imagine how China is and hope to be able to complement my limited view thanks to your stories :-)

Does Hong-Kong look like this from the plane:
Damn, looks brilliant from up there...

Julie, come back soon!
You're missing here!!!

xx * Chris

Julie said...

Yep!!!! The only way to take this picture (except from a plane) is the Victoria Peek... But I'll tell you about that soon!